Durango Jeep Trails

Jeeps and Colorado go together like peanut butter and jelly. Want to go off the beaten path and experience the exhilaration of conquering rugged country and enjoy scenery inaccessible by car? Jeeps are the answer.
We offer you two great options for off-road. Take a Jeep tour with our experienced outback drivers or rent a Jeep and go for it yourself. Jeep tours are an excellent option if you’ve never driven off-road before. Have all of the fun without any of the worries – our drivers know how to handle the challenges of off-road exploring and where to find the best trails.
If you’re feeling adventurous, take matters (or in this case, the steering wheel) into your own hands. Rent one of our Jeeps and hit the trails around Durango. Trails vary in distance and in difficulty. The Jeeping experts at Durango Rivertrippers & Adventure Tours can help you plot your course for the trip best suited to you.
Where to Go
If you are new to off-roading, we recommend that you start off with an easy trail. Junction Creek Road is northwest of Durango. It traverses an 18-mile trail that leads to Monument Hill. The trip takes 2-3 hours one way, so plan plenty of time.
The La Plata Canyon Road is an easy to moderate trail that starts near Hesperus and runs 15 miles to The Notch by Snowstorm Peak. See Bedrock Creek and Columbus Basin along the way. Expect a round trip time of 4 hours.
If you’d like to explore the area around Silverton, steer yourself towards the California Gulch’s moderately difficult trail. Start off at the ghost town of Animas Forks and travel to the summit of California Pass. From there, you can continue on to Poughkeepsie Gulch Road, but with its rough trail and need for high clearance, this section is rated difficult. Even experienced off-roaders will need to take weather conditions into consideration; wet conditions make the trail nearly impossible.
These are just a few of the many trails in the area. Be sure to check with us to plan your outing.
What to Expect
If you’re renting your Jeep from Durango Rivertrippers & Adventure Tours, expect clean vehicles in tip-top shape. Our Jeeps come equipped with first aid supplies and basic tools, but if you run into any difficulties, a simple call to us will bring the help you need.
Off-roading, even on easy trails, is bumpy. You may be jostled around during your adventure, so be sure to observe all safety measures such as wearing seatbelts. Make sure any loose items such as phones or water bottles are properly stored so that they don’t become projectile hazards.
What to Bring
First and foremost, bring your sense of adventure! Off-roading is a great way to see the outdoors and fun for the whole family.
Bring a map of the area, preferably one that includes trails. Don’t rely on memory or electronics. We will supply you with a trail map.
We recommend that you dress in layers. In the mountains, mornings can be chilly, even during the summer. Wearing a jacket or layers will keep you comfortable when the temperature drops. The higher altitude can make the sun more intense as well, so be sure to wear sunglasses and a hat to protect your eyes and face from the sun. Wearing sunscreen and protective lip balm is a wise choice.
If you plan on doing some exploring on foot during your outback adventure, make sure to wear closed-toe shoes to protect your feet from the rocky terrain. Bring water; even though you might not be hiking, off-roading can build up a thirst, especially at higher altitudes. Don’t forget a camera to capture all the spectacular views.
What to Plan For
Know your route. Check with the local experts at Durango Rivertrippers & Adventure Tours for the latest information about the trails you plan to travel. We’re here to help. We will work with you to ensure you are comfortable with your planned trip.
Be prepared for the unexpected. Should you experience vehicle trouble or need medical assistance, have a plan of action. Know who to call and how to describe the trail area where you can be found.
Get Outdoors
The area around Durango offers exceptional off-road adventuring. Rent your Jeep from Durango Rivertrippers & Adventure Tours and trust us with your most precious cargo – you and your family. We will steer you in the right direction for a fun and safe trip.